All Classes and Interfaces

access control entry
This class represent an acknowledgement to a server side operation that assigned a new version number to an item.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
Base data structure of all directory related entities
The type of an account.
FULL represents an entity with all available applications (messaging, contact, agenda etc.)
SIMPLE represents an entity with limited access (no sharing) to the messaging application FULL_AND_VISIO represents an entity having advanced features to the video conferencing functionalities
The kind of object the entry represents.
Declaration of all standard roles.
use Vertx.executeBlocking(io.vertx.core.Handler, io.vertx.core.Handler) instead
Crappy utils class to read certificate/ca/pk (we should use BountyCastle but it is not available in common plugin)
Changelog entry
We chose our levels to match those of
Changelog of a container
Set of changes for a container since a version
This object is used when saving a subscription
This object is used by services to return subscriptions to a client.
This object is used for storing a per-user sharded ContainerChangeset on subscriptions.
The up-to-date status of a container.
Possible statuses.
Conversation of messages.
Update one flag on multiple MailboxItem
This class represents a generation of protected Blue Mind data.
Publish events on the Vert.x event bus in a debounce-like way.
Block calls to the given BiConsumer in a debounce way.
Declaration of default user roles.
Represent a delegation rule between a delegator and its delegates
A delegator is the boss who give access to its mailbox to to others (delegates)
Base class of all directory related entities (DirEntry)
Class containing static directory related helper methods
Data structure of directory related entities
Class representing DirEntry search parameters
The disposition types of the "Content-Disposition" header (RFC-2183).
Utility methods to extract data from a DOM.
load extensions
Holds information about a calendar event.
ExternalUser is mainly used to be able to add an external email to a group.
An OutputStream that starts buffering to a byte array, but switches to file buffering once the data reaches a configurable size.
File manipulation functions
Update one flag on multiple
invalid reference
Addressbooks APIs.
Addressbooks management api
Returns common addressbook container UIDs.
Bluemind internal API for the communication between Kapacitor and bm-core.
API used in conjunction with IFileHosting to share mail attachments by replacing them with a link
Authentication service
Calendar operations.
4.2.3 Calendar User Type To specify the type of calendar user
Calendars management api
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Management container
Grants read access to a ContainerChangeset of the containers owned by a given ownerUid
A mail identity that can endorsed by a user when sending an email
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Manages external IDs
Document APIs.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Manage domain.
API for managing domain-wide settings.
Used for representing a range of offline-usable item ids.
ExternalUser API.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
API for managing domain-wide settings.
Service factory requires one parameter created by ICalendarViewUids.userCalendarView(String)
Internal management container
Transfer items between mailboxes that might live on separate backends
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
API to access the hierarchy of a user or shared mailbox.
API to access the hierarchy of a user or shared mailbox.
Container of MailboxItem.
Handle message conversations for a given container (per user or mail-share).
Handle message conversations for a given container (per user or mail-share).
This class is responsible of loading an ini file.
local or remote BM
invalid reference
manipulation API.
Factory for creating a INodeClient to local or remote a
invalid reference
Notes API.
Notes indexing API
Notes list management API.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Manages Organizational Units BlueMind integrates a delegated administration functionality.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
This API provides "status oriented" (ok, warn, failed) monitoring results.
Database Read-only version of
invalid reference
Resources API.
Resource types API.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Role API.
In-Core schema management api
This API allows upgrading short-lived session identifiers to persisting tokens lasting 7 days.
API for managing the servers in a BlueMind installation.
Useful to create service instances
SessionsMgmt service
ISmimeCACerts API - admin can add CA certificates they trust.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
ISmimeRevocation API
Used to verify end-user certificate is not revoked by authorities
This API is used to manage per-user invalid input: '&' per-domain lists of Tag (keyword and color).
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Item of a container (SHOULD NOT BE EXPOSED THRU API)
Changelog of an item
Descriptor of an item
Util class to build an uri for an item : containerUid/itemUid
Generic container item value Item
TICK stack configuration entry point.
Todolist API.
Todolist management API.
Todolist indexing API
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
User API.
API to fetch user's inbox information
WebAppData API - allow to save web applications data.
To unify the management of changelogs, ACLs, client synchronization, permissions and sharing, Bluemind stores all elements in a generic structure called a container.
Represents a set of searchable job attributes.
%(UID 3 MODSEQ 4 LAST_UPDATED 1483363360 FLAGS (\Seen) INTERNALDATE 1483363360 SIZE 830 GUID 2a48b9230d2e6ad4a283d5d817bc6c01c097e3a9)
Helper for knowing important event bus addresses
MaintenanceOperation defines a unique identifier of a cleanup and repair operation applicable to DirEntrys
Folder Associated Information message.
Message inside a MapiFolderContainer.TYPE container
MAPI Rule storage.
Helper methods for monitoring tasks running a remote node using INodeClient
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
BlueMind integrates a delegated administration functionality.
Delegation trees can be created and organized so as to allow different levels of delegated administration.
OrgUnit search parameters
A generation is a point-in-time snapshot, de-duplicated and compressed of some data.
Server-side service instantation
Fields marked as ReadOnly should not be used in write methods (update, set...).
Resources are used, for example, to create an entity like a vehicle, a meeting room, a video-projector, etc.
Different ways to reserve a resource
This class models items that can be restored by DataProtect services.
An enumeration for things from which data can be restored.
This class stores informations for DataProtectGeneration retention and automatic deletion.
Declaration of a role.
Role category declaration.
Load plugins based on some interface
Defines message search parameters
Definition of a MailboxFolder search restriction
Header key/value pair
Header search
Defines the search operator of the requested header search values
The scope of a search

load extensions
Server-side service instantation
Enumeration for PLAIN and HTML mail signature formats.
Marker interface used to model binary streams
This class is used to associate a color and a label to an item
This class is used to batch updates of a set of Tag using ITags.updates(TagChanges)
A TagRef associates label invalid input: '&' color to an ItemValue in a container
Helper class to disable SSL chains validation
User represents a specific user, with a login and a password and a list of emails.
The vcard contains contact information, typically pertaining to a single contact or group of contacts.
These properties describe information about how to communicate with the object the vCard represents.
To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents.
To specify the URI for instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object the vCard represents.
To specify the language(s) that may be used for contacting the entity associated with the vCard.
To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents.
These types are concerned with information related to the delivery addressing or label for the vCard object.
To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object.
These properties are concerned with additional explanations, such as that related to informational notes or revisions specific to the vCard.
These types are used to capture information associated with the identification and naming of the entity associated with the vCard.
To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents.
To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of the object the vCard represents.
To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents.
To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents.
To specify the kind of object the vCard represents.
These properties are concerned with information associated with characteristics of the organization or organizational units of the object that the vCard represents.
To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard.
To specify a relationship the individual this vCard represents has with another.
These properties are concerned with the security of communication pathways or access to the vCard.
Light VCard
This class represents a version number using the major.minor.release format.
Utility classes allowing to create duplicated contexts.
A free/busy slot
Fields markes as WriteOnly won't get populated when retrieving data