Interface IProductChecks

@Path("/check") public interface IProductChecks
This API provides "status oriented" (ok, warn, failed) monitoring results. Single checks can be re-executed thanks to check(String) and the last result can be retrieved with lastResult(String).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the list of executed check names.
    check(String checkName)
    Starts asynchronously a product check with the given name.
    lastResult(String checkName)
    Returns the result of the last execution of a given check
  • Method Details

    • availableChecks

      @GET Set<String> availableChecks()
      Returns the list of executed check names.
      check names with available results
    • lastResult

      @GET @Path("{checkName}") CheckResult lastResult(@PathParam("checkName") String checkName)
      Returns the result of the last execution of a given check
      checkName -
      a result or null if the check was never executed
    • check

      @POST @Path("{checkName}") TaskRef check(@PathParam("checkName") String checkName)
      Starts asynchronously a product check with the given name.
      checkName - the name of the product check to start
      a TaskRef suitable for tracking the progress of the check.