Class Identity

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Identity extends Object
A mail identity that can endorsed by a user when sending an email
  • Field Details

    • email

      public String email
      the email that will be used to send the e-mail when using this identity. This e-mail must :
      • Exist
      • Be associated to the Mailbox owner of the identity
    • format

      public SignatureFormat format
      the signature mime type. The signature can either be
      invalid reference
      invalid reference
    • signature

      public String signature
      the mail signature associated to this identity. The signature will be added at the end of the e-mail when using this identity. Depending on format the signature will be interpreted as text/plain or as text/html.
    • displayname

      public String displayname
      the identity display name. The identity display name is an additional name used to describe the identity. This name will not be sent along with the email, and is only used to identity identities with same email and same .
    • name

      public String name
      the identity name that will be used in the from header of the mail alongside with email.
    • isDefault

      public boolean isDefault
      if this identity is the default one. There is only one default identity
    • sentFolder

      public String sentFolder
      the folder path to store mail when sending a mail using this identity. The path is relative to Mailbox
  • Constructor Details

    • Identity

      public Identity()